Saint Teresa of Avila Parish
Office of Religious Education
Saint Teresa of Avila PREP (Parish Religious Education Program)
At STA, our children grow in faith and in the joy of being Catholic. Our comprehensive Religious Education program from Level 1 to Level 7 supports parents in their role as primary educators in the faith of their children. We also prepare our students for the sacraments, including First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Our program also includes Family Service Projects to introduce children to the joy of serving others. Our ultimate aim is to encourage our students to practice their faith and become disciples of Jesus.
Sacramental preparation for all parish students occurs in level 2 (First Reconciliation),
Level 3 (Eucharist) and Level 7 (Confirmation). All parish children in levels 1-7 who attend public or non-Catholic private schools should attend PREP.
*NEW for 2024-2025* Important Links
Click here for the 2024-2025 PREP Registration Letter
Click here for the 2024-2025 PREP Registration Form
ALL parish staff and volunteers must complete Archdiocesan
safe environment requirements. Click here for more details and links.