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'Tis the season to help our brothers and sisters in need!  Join St. Teresa of Avila parish community as we help local organizations this Advent. 


This year you can participate in several ways:


-Choose a tag from the Giving Tree, located near the altar, and return the wrapped gift to the same place labeled with the gift tag, or

-Go to the STA website to see the list of needed gift cards and drop one in the collection basket, and

-Pray for all those experiencing hardship this year.


ORGANIZATION                                                                               GIFT CARDS NEEDED


Parish Outreach to the Needy                                                           Giant, Walmart, Visa

Retired Priest Villa (St. Joseph's)                                                       Rite Aid, Walmart

Camilla Hall/Sisters of the IHM                                                         Rite Aid, Walmart

Ann's Heart/Phoenixville                                                                     Walmart, Target, Visa

Baby's Breath                                                                                         Walmart, Visa

Birthright                                                                                                Walmart, Visa

Brother's House/Legion of Mary                                                       Walmart, Target, Visa




Please contact Lori Tedjeske at with any questions.

Your generosity and support are very much appreciated!


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